The optimum nutrition gold standard whey is different from normal whey protein in the sense that the former contains 100% whey (in the form of isolate), while normal whey contains 80- 90% whey protein only. Plus, gold standard whey protein is more refined than normal whey protein supplements. Gold whey contains other ingredients like creatine and BCAAs, which improve muscle recovery, unlike normal whey protein. So yes, the optimum gold whey standard is more beneficial than normal whey.
Nutritional benefits:
- The ON gold standard whey protein consists of the purest form of protein which is protein isolates. It is 100% pure protein;
- This supplement contains more than 4g glutamines which further help in the building of muscles.
- The ON gold standard whey protein also contains more than 5g of amino acids. It helps in the repairing of tissues and building stamina and strength.
- A pack of the gold whey offers 24g of protein with 1g of fat.
- Being prepared by isolate, that is, the double purified protein this supplement contains very low fat and crabs
- The main aim of this supplement is to build big and strong muscles. It helps you in the building of a muscular body.
- There are numerous flavors available like the optimum nutrition double rich chocolate and many more.
Health benefits:
Excellent protein source
- The ON gold whey contains high-quality milk protein. It is complete since it contains all the nine essential amino acids.
- Despite having a high quantity of protein, this supplement is easily digestible. It is easily absorbed from your gut.
Promotes muscle growth
- We all know that muscle mass starts to decline naturally with age. It can result in fat gain and increases the risk of many chronic diseases.
- However, with the ON gold whey protein consumption, you can control these adverse changes in your body composition.
- Whey protein can slow, prevent, and reverse the fall of muscles. For best results consume whey protein along with following strength training and an adequate diet.
- It is quite a preventive strategy for muscle loss. Whey protein contains a good dose of branched-chain amino acids, especially leucine.
- It is the most growth-promoting (anabolic) amino acid. Thus, whey protein helps in the prevention of age-related muscle loss. Plus, it improves muscle strength.
Lowers blood pressure
- Next, the ON gold standard whey helps in lowering blood pressure. It is good for people who have high blood pressure, that is, hypertension.
- By maintaining your blood pressure, whey protein reduces the risk of heart diseases. It saves you from heart stroke and other diseases.
- The reason is that whey protein contains ACE inhibitors called cytokinins which are beneficial for blood pressure.
- Whey protein is especially helpful for reducing systolic blood pressure.
Treats type 2 diabetes
- Whey protein is also beneficial for reducing type 2 diabetes, which is a chronic disease. It is characterized by high blood sugar and impaired function of insulin.
- The ON gold standard whey protein also helps to moderate blood sugar. It increases both the levels of insulin and the body’s effect on its sensitivity.
- Hence, they can be used as a supplementary treatment for type 2 diabetes. For best results take the ON gold whey protein before or with a high-carb meal. It will moderate your blood sugar.
Decrease inflammation
- Finally, whey protein helps in controlling inflammation. Inflammation refers to the body’s response to damage.
- Although short-term inflammation is beneficial, long-term inflammation can be harmful. It can lead to chronic inflammation which is a risk factor for many diseases.
- Whey protein even controls inflammatory bowel diseases and keeps your liver and stomach healthy.